> On 07/16/2009 03:49 PM, James Hearon wrote:
> > I've tried several versions of FLTK but cannot seem to get thru make.  Any 
> > suggestions?
> As time goes on, GCC get's more and more picky about naughty typecasting.  I
> think I filed an STR on this problem.  If you look at the sources for this
> module, there is a sequence of #ifdefs, and I found that F11's GCC would 
> swallow
> a *different* alternative.  I don't remember which one, and I'm not sure the 
> mentions it (if I did get around to filing one).
> Jim Wilson
> Gainesville, FL

f11, gcc 4.4.0, glibc 2.1.0
FLTK 1.1.0  src/filename_list.cxx
around line 70, various ifdefs...

the one it seemed to like was this one:
int n = scandir(d, list, 0, (int(*)(const dirent **, const dirent **))sort);

At least got it thru the compiler; but not sure yet it's actually working.


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