> On 11/03/11 10:17, David wrote:
> > the trick to get rid of the @ issue worked, but the line is long and 
> > fl_choice now shows more but the part it wrapped is long (no spaces in that 
> > part) and it's cutting it off instead of wrapping again (hard wrap since no 
> > space).  Is there a feature to turn on complete wrapping so I can throw 
> > anything at it and it comes back with the proper sizing?
> >
> > This would be sample text 
> > withareallonglinethatwouldntfindthesizeitchoseforthedialogandnotwrapingitsoitsaproblem
>     If I were to encounter that case, I'd pre-format the strings
>     before sending them to Fl_Choice, as I can't imagine any way
>     the widget could visually show the entire string "correctly".
>     Options I'd consider for pre-formatting: truncate and append "..",
>     or pull data out of the middle of the string, and insert ".."
>     in place of the omitted text.
>     Then keep the original string either in a separate map,
>     or use the menu item's user_data as a pointer to the original
>     string. That way when the user picks the truncated item,
>     your app can still access the original string.

It would just wrap it like a text editor or word processor would, just like it 
does now replying to this.  You give a width to fl_measure and it wraps as 
needed (including hardwraps when no white space found).
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