> I suspect (i.e. I haven't looked all that closely) that the problem is
> the order of events...
> > int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
> >   Fl_Window* second =3D SecondTry( 350,50);
> >   if ( argc > 1 ) second->size(800,600);
> >   second->show();
> If argc is > 1 then size() is called before the second window
> is shown.
> The widget dimensions in the Fl_Packs are (I think) not really
> set until the window is mapped, so if you change size() before the
> window is fully shown, unexpected behaviours result... Maybe.

May be not. I have try. It changes nothing.

> Anyway, is this code just to illustrate your point?

Not exactly, I Try to make windows that looks like that and fing a pretty 
straight forward to do it with fltk.
It's a kind of proof of concept of the "usability" of the fltk layout.

> If not, if this is really what you need to do, then I wonder if
> you need the Fl_Packs at all.
> The default fltk resizing behaviour might get you what you want more
> readily just with simple Fl_Groups...

It's quite annoying using Fl_Group with my fltk knowledge, too much
border spacing computing and absolute positionning. Logically, Fl_Pack should 
do the job for me without too much cost.

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