> Just curious: when you say there's "no local access",
> does this mean you're using a remote desktop,
> or is the app running over a remote X display?
> (export DISPLAY=someremote, etc)

remote display

> Perhaps the messages are showing up when the tile size
> approaches 0 in width or height, and this is causing
> the remote X display mapping to print those errors.

Since it's working fineon RedHat 4.5, don't think it's related
to the X server used.
I have done a Xlib sample that uses a XCreatePixmap at 0 size, neither
RedHat 4.5 or 5.5 did not works... don't understand this.

> If so, probably the way to avoid the errors would be
> to prevent the tile program from sizing a tile smaller
> than zero on width or height, as it seems to be exposing
> these errors.

Not sure, since it's working fine with others widgets (at least a simple 
Fl_Window), and may be users want to made a 0 size Tile.

> Or, perhaps we're doing something wrong in FLTK when it
> comes to our X calls when dealing with windows of zero
> width or height.

I vote for this (I still wonder why and where WIN32 has a different behavior - 
draw() is not called at all for 0 size window under windows)
I will keep my patch (as posted before) on my local sources
until someone who know internal fltk design come up with something

When I add some traces (into fltk itself), I see that fltk do not manage the 
same way the childrens under Windows and Linux.
The draw is not called on Windows because children() is 0 (1 under linux
) in Fl_Group::draw_children() for the same code.
Still not see where is the difference...

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