On 12/17/11 14:56, Greg Ercolano wrote:
>> Second point, in my sample below, on tree full expanded, when positioning at 
>> the end of the tree item list (scroll at the max down position) and clicking 
>> to collapse all, the scroll bar is not recomputed, and stay at the end, so 
>> the tree seems empty. We had to move it manually up to resize the valuator 
>> and see the items.
>       Yes, sounds like a separate issue that should also have an STR
>       associated with it. Made a separate STR#2796 for that.

    BTW, I've seen this same behavior with Fl_Browser BTW,
    where you can end up scrolled to a position that's far below
    the last item in the list.

    Can't remember if it's a matter of being scrolled down and then
    removing items, or if it's a matter of telling the scrollbars
    to go to a position that's beyond the end and it does it.
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