On 6 Jan 2012, at 13:55, Albrecht Schlosser <ajs856s...@go4more.de> wrote:

> On 06.01.2012 01:01, Johan R wrote:
>> I am using fltk 1.3 and have searched for how to make clickable links in 
>> e.g. Fl_Text_Display but havent found anything.
>> Is there a way to make clickable links in text ?
> No, there's no way, at least not in Fl_Text_Display.
> The only widget supporting clickable links I know about is
> Fl_Help_View, a somewhat limited HTML display widget. Maybe
> this is what you need.
> Otherwise, you'd have to derive your own widget(s) to allow
> clickable links. I'm thinking of deriving from Fl_Box to make
> the label inside the box clickable. You may need to make your
> own draw() method (or maybe not), and you can do highlighting
> when the cursor is over the link. However, this needs some
> programming in the handle() method of the derived widget.
> If you need more help on this, please describe better what you
> want to do, maybe we can then find a better way to achieve it.

There were some add-on widget sets (I'm thinking of FLU & maybe Matt's FL_MM 
stuff) that provided "buttons" that appeared as "clickable links" but, as 
Albrecht said, I think the only widget we have for doing this in body-text is 
the help_view.

As an aside, once you have your "link" working, the fl_open_uri() functions 
might be useful - or not, depending on what you really want to do!

Sent, much to my surprise, from my iPhone

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