> > Can the text editor be tweaked in this way?
>       The text editor already supports colors very easily.
>       See this simple example:
>       http://seriss.com/people/erco/fltk/#Fl_Text_DisplayStyle
>       You can specify an optional 'style buffer' to the Fl_Text_*
>       widget which parallels the 'text buffer'.
>       FLTK's own code editor (within fluid) makes use of this feature
>       to enable syntax highlighting of the C++ code, so that code is
>       syntax-colored as you type.

Thats great, thanks a lot, I knew i was being a bit lazy asking
directly without checking first there, but carpe diem... and all that..

One thing though is i think a background highlighting effect would
be nice, like if it was in notepad++ and you wrote some bash stuff:

a statement like: var=${#fNames[*]} would have a light colour to the
text background in the curly braces.

Like i say, i am not directly checking up on this right now, apologies!
I just assume FLTK will easily support this type of thing also.

The only other thing i would say is my initial idea, and certainly for
simplicity is to not allow writing. Would i be better to start code
with a widget other than text editor in this case?

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