On 02/08/12 01:34, MacArthur, Ian (SELEX GALILEO, UK) wrote:
>> I use color(0x0) to set background color to black, but it display
> white to me,

> As you have been advised before, fltk-2 is deprecated, so support is
> likely to be "fragmented" - you would do better converting to the
> supported fltk-1.3 branch, I think.
> What version of fltk-2 are you using?
> What target platform?

        BTW, I was able to replicate with 2.x svn current
        on linux/centos.

        Since this may affect 3.x, it should probably be investigated.
        I don't have 3.x installed, so I didn't check with it.

> Other than that, not sure, you would need to post a minimal compileable
> example that exhibited the failure so that we could consider what might
> be happening...

        You can see my followup to OP earlier today..
        simple window example.

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