On 02/20/12 10:45, Domingo Alvarez Duarte wrote:
> The actual printing capabilities of fltk is a great advance, but the  
> quality of image printing isn't all good because it's using screen  
> resolution to print, there is a way to allow higher resolutions for  
> printing ?

        I imagine this would technically be difficult, as many
        widgets are composed with pixels. For instance, a curved
        menu button might be composed as a series of fl_point()s
        next to each other, which wouldn't translate well to any
        kind of higher res output. Similarly for gradients.

        FLTK wasn't designed with vector graphics in mind.

        However, it's possible the Cairo build of FLTK might provide
        you with better output, I'm not sure.

        I imagine if the part of the interface you're trying to print
        was all composed with vector graphics done with Cairo calls
        (eg. charts and graphs), there might be a good chance those
        calls could be redirected to PostScript vector output which
        would could be mapped to any resolution.

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