On 03/07/12 12:12, blue146 wrote:
> The thing is that when it's a double click you will
> first print 1 and then 2.

        Right, it counts the consecutive clicks.

> Could you post an example that prints "single" when
> it's a single click and only prints "double"
> (without printing "single" as well) when it's a double-click ?

        Sorry, I don't know that one.

        I've never needed to /exclude/ detecting a single-click
        in anticipation of a double-click.

        I'm sure it's technically possible to do; you'd have
        to delay detection of single-click until after enough
        time has gone by where a double wasn't received, and then
        process it as a single. Access to the click timer would be needed.

        But doing such a thing would lag the UI's response
        to single-clicks.

        I usually handle the single click, and if a double-click
        comes along, I handle it separately, with the UI designed
        in such a way that detecting the single has no negative
        affect on the double.

        I've never had to design a UI such that the single-click
        has no negative effect on the double-click operation.
        Not sure if that's good UI design.

        If such a feature is in the FLTK API, someone else will
        have to help, and our docs for Fl::event_clicks() should
        probably refer to it.
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