On 03/07/12 14:14, Ian MacArthur wrote:
> Sure, there are a couple of ways to go about that,
> but it turns out it's often not really that useful,
> so there's no built-in way of doing it.

        Cool example; can I steal that for the cheat page ;)
        Perhaps can be integrated into the docs as well.

> 03/07/12 (that's 2012-03-07 for people who don't grok American date formats

        Yes, lol, "it's how we was raised."
        Seems like every possible combo of MM, DD, and YYYY
        is claimed by some country or other:

                Y/M/D -- ISO 8601 "International Date" (China, Korea, Japan..)
                D/M/Y -- India, Spain, much of the EU, AU,
                M/D/Y -- US

        I'd agree Y/M/D makes the most sense, esp. for sorting,
        as it flows nicely into Y/M/D,H:M, largest-to-smallest unit.

        Apparently though, D/M/Y (cyan on the following map) is most popular:
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