On 07/08/12 21:33, Greg Ercolano wrote:
> I need to make an Fl_Scroll-based widget with a dark background.
> (I'm using hex colors like 0xRRGGBB00)
> Seems hard to get the scrollbars colored properly. I can control
> these colors:
>       labelcolor()      -- the color of the up/down arrows
>       selection_color() -- the color of the slider tab + buttons
>       color()           -- the color of the trough
> ..but I can't seem to control the color of the 'up box' border
> around the "buttons" and "slider tab"; they seem to stay bright gray.
> Is there a way to control the color of the border on the buttons?

        Hmm, apparently the colors of e.g. the up button's border
        bevels are "fixed".. due to code like:


        So I guess changing the colors of buttons and sliders
        (such as making them darker) doesn't really affect the
        bevel colors.. yuck.

        At least, this seems to be the case when Fl::scheme()
        is at the default.

        Seems perhaps better with Fl::scheme("gtk+"), which
        seems to perhaps cover up the issue by using a gradient
        on the bevels.

        Is there a plan in fltk 3.x that allows some control over
        the bevels of e.g. default FL_UP/DOWN_BOX + FL_UP/DOWN_FRAME?
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