On 08/25/12 13:49, David FLEURY wrote:
>     int handle(int e) {
>        if (e == FL_PUSH) std::printf("%d\n", Fl::event_clicks()+1);
>        return Fl_Window::handle(e);
>     }
> };

        I can confirm the problem as windows-specific.

        Your program works fine on linux; shows multiple clicks,
        but on windows only goes up to 2, then cycles back around to 0.

        You'd probably have to hack around on windows by looking at the
        system timer to see if each click happened within X number of ticks.

        Perhaps whatever hack "works" is something we should build into
        FLTK, ie. keep track of mouse PUSH events, and keep track of the
        time since the last one, and if less than some amount, increment
        the event_clicks value..
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