On 09/08/12 06:29, Cliff Yapp wrote:
>> On 09/05/12 13:13, Gonzalo Garramuno wrote:
>>> On my Linux box (Kubuntu), doing a fullscreen and turning it off does not 
>>> create the window's decorations back again.  The problem is not there on 
>>> Win32 or Win64.  The problem appears in all versions of fltk (although I am 
>>> interested in fltk2).
>>> It seems FLTK is not playing nicely with the window manager.  Can someone 
>>> provide a solution?
>>      Can you supply code that demonstrates this,
>>      and what distro/window manager you're using?
> I can reproduce this with the fullscreen example in FLTK 1.3.0 using Gentoo 
> Linux and the fluxbox window manager.  After exiting fullscreen, enabling and 
> disabling the "Border" button in the example app does nothing.

        Might be window manager specific; I have both 1.3.0 and 1.3.x current 
        and centos 5.6 running flwm. Both seem to act normally: running 
        and toggling fullscreen on and off, it always returns with the borders 
        and toggling the 'border' turns the borders on and off as expected.

        The only problem I see is if the 'border' toggle is on, and I flip the
        fullscreen button on then off, the border toggle ends up off, even 
        borders are actually being shown, and if I toggle the border button on,
        the borders remain on, but when I toggle them off, then the borders 
        (This sounds like a bug in the handling of the toggle button, not the 

        I'll try running with a few different window managers to see if I can 
        a combo that it breaks with. It could be something that changed with the
        window mgr protocols that we haven't kept up with; the desktop specs 
        changed a bit over the years, so the API for sending 'hints' to the
        window managers have become more elaborate..

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