>       Use this in your widget's handle() method to accept/reject events
>       like FL_PUSH/FL_RELEASE, and detect mouse movement over the circular
>       region for events like FL_MOVE (e.g. if you want it to 'light up'
>       when the mouse is over it)

OK, but ones I accepted the FL_ENTER event I could not dispatch events
to other outside widgets if any event leave my "accepted region".

I did the following example:
Creating a canvas and put a blue big box on it. Over the blue box I put
a smaller red one. My "accepted region" is a bit smaller then the
widgets outer rectangle. If I move my mouse on a horizontal line over
the widgets I see:

First I get a FL_ENTER, I don't accept it in my "non active region".
In response I get an FL_LEAVE.
After the mouse goes inside my "accepted region" I accept the FL_ENTER.
After this, any mouse move will give me an FL_MOVE event.
OK, thats fine.

If I now move inside the red box to the "not accepted region" I will
answer to FL_ENTER with 0. After that, the blue box get the FL_ENTER
again. OK, so I have to generate FL_MOVE events on my own for the blue
box. Thats not nice but I could handle that.

The mouse moves now to the "accepted region" of the red box, I accept
the FL_ENTER and receive FL_MOVE for any following mouse moves. OK,
thats what I expect.

But if I now move to the "not accepted region" of the red box, I could
not tell fltk that I am out of my accepted region.

QUESTION: How to tell fltk that the mouse now leaves my accepted
region??? I send manually a FL_LEAVE to the Fl_Box, I returned 0 or 1 in
the tests but never got an event to the underlaying blue box. What can I do?

I add my example code:

#include <FL/Fl.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Window.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Box.H>

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class MyMonitorBox: public Fl_Box
      const char *name;

      bool event_inside( )
         int lx=Fl::event_x();
         int ly=Fl::event_y();
         return (
               ( lx >= x()+20 ) &&
               ( lx <= x()+w()-20) &&
               ( ly >= y()+20 ) &&
               ( ly <= y()+h()-20 )

      MyMonitorBox( int X,int Y,int W,int H,const char*L=0) : Fl_Box(
X,Y,W,H,L ), name(L)

      int handle(int e)
         cout << "MonitorBox " <<  name << " Event " << e << endl;

         switch (e)
            case FL_ENTER:
            case FL_MOVE:
                  int lx=Fl::event_x();
                  int ly=Fl::event_y();
                  if ( event_inside())
                     cout << name << "is in at " << lx << ":" <<ly << endl;
                     return 1;
                     cout << name << " is out at " << lx << ":" << ly
                     if ( e == FL_MOVE )
                        return Fl_Box::handle( FL_LEAVE );
                     return 0;

               return Fl_Box::handle(e);


int main()
   Fl_Window win(400,400, "Test1");

   MyMonitorBox mb1(100,100,200,200, "Blue");
   MyMonitorBox mb2(150,150,50,50, "Red");

   mb1.box( FL_BORDER_BOX );
   mb2.box( FL_BORDER_BOX );
   return (Fl::run());
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