Sorry; I do not understand what you are doing... It looks like you are using 
the QT tools to build a fltk project?

Why? If you are using the QT tools anyway, would it not make more sense to, you 
know use QT...?

Anyway, I suspect you are breaking difficult new ground with this approach, I 
doubt many (if any) have tried this before...

If you project is only the one file, then the easiest way to build it is just 
to do:

   fltk-config --compile my_file.cxx

And that will do the trick.

For anything more complex, try this:

And see if that helps, (it includes some hints on making a basic Makefile for 
builds that involve more than one file...) or use your IDE's built in 

But trying to leverage one GUI toolkit's build system to build another GUI 
toolkit; well that seems likely to be problematic!

On 10 Dec 2012, at 12:03, giorgio wrote:

> Hello everybody,.
> I have compiled the library FLTK 1.3.1 using CMake 2.8 and MinGW 4.6.2 for 
> Windows XP. So far so good.
> I need to know how to integrate in a project created with QtCreator 4.6.2 
> libraries FLTK 1.3.1.
> How do I write to the file .pro to use the libraries FLTK ? Someone has never 
> used ?
> Can not find references to objects of the FLTK library libfltk.a:
> Fl.cxx: -1: error: undefined reference to `OleUninitialize @ 0 '
> I put the following lines in my .pro:
> [code]
>    QT += core
>    QT -= gui
>    TARGET = fltk_hello
>    CONFIG += console
>    CONFIG -= app_bundle
>    TEMPLATE = app
>    #------------------------------------------------
>    #
>    # Uso librerie FLTK 1.3.1
>    #
>    #------------------------------------------------
>    INCLUDEPATH += C:/MinGW/include \
>    C:/MinGW/FLTK/include
>    LIBS += C:/MinGW/FLTK/lib/libfltk.a \
>    C:/MinGW/FLTK/lib/libfltk_forms.a \
>    C:/MinGW/FLTK/lib/libfltk_gl.a \
>    C:/MinGW/FLTK/lib/libfltk_images.a \
>    C:/MinGW/FLTK/lib/libfltk_jpeg.a \
>    C:/MinGW/FLTK/lib/libfltk_png.a \
>    C:/MinGW/FLTK/lib/libfltk_z.a
>    SOURCES += main.cpp
> [/code]
> The sample code used is based on FLTK:
> [code]
>    //#include <QCoreApplication>
>    #include <FL/Fl.H>
>    #include <FL/Fl_Window.H>
>    #include <FL/Fl_Box.H>
>    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
>    {
>    //QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
>    Fl_Window *window = new Fl_Window(340,180);
>    Fl_Box *box = new Fl_Box(20,40,300,100,"Hello, World!");
>    box->box(FL_UP_BOX);
>    box->labelfont(FL_BOLD+FL_ITALIC);
>    box->labelsize(36);
>    box->labeltype(FL_SHADOW_LABEL);
>    window->end();
>    window->show(argc, argv);
>    return Fl::run();
>    //return a.exec();
>    }
> [/code]
> I do not understand what is missing...
> It would be possible to have a complete project with its Makefile (or file 
> .pro of QtCreator) to compile with MinGW ?
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