doing in the way you say (using the shell for MinGW - Simulates the unix 

$ fltk-config --compile hello.cxx

I get a series of errors, for simplicity carry one of them:

-D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -o 'hello' 'hello.cxx' C:/MinGW/FLTK/lib/libfltk.a
C:/MinGW/FLTK/lib/libfltk.a(Fl.cxx.obj):Fl.cxx:(.text+0x2db): undefined 
reference to `OleUninitialize@0'

What should I do?

> Sorry; I do not understand what you are doing... It looks like you are =
> using the QT tools to build a fltk project?
> Why? If you are using the QT tools anyway, would it not make more sense =
> to, you know use QT...?
> Anyway, I suspect you are breaking difficult new ground with this =
> approach, I doubt many (if any) have tried this before...
> If you project is only the one file, then the easiest way to build it is =
> just to do:
>    fltk-config --compile my_file.cxx
> And that will do the trick.
> For anything more complex, try this:
> And see if that helps, (it includes some hints on making a basic =
> Makefile for builds that involve more than one file...) or use your =
> IDE's built in mechanisms.
> But trying to leverage one GUI toolkit's build system to build another =
> GUI toolkit; well that seems likely to be problematic!
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