Hi, All -

Perhaps this has been asked before, but I couldn't find it in the forums. A RTM 
link would be great ... !

I have an Fl_Scroll with many widgets (buttons, text displays, etc). If I tab 
through those widgets, I will eventually change focus to a widget that is in 
the scroll group but outside the visible scroll position.

Is there a existing method the Fl_Scroll to notice when the focus widget is not 
visible, and then to scroll itself to put that widget in view? From what I can 
tell, this is not a trivial task.

I previously used a custom handle() in each child to tell Fl_Scroll when 
FL_FOCUS changes, then Fl_Scroll::scroll_to(x,y) to put the widget in view ... 
but perhaps this is not the best method?

Thanks for the advice. And Happy New Year!!

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