> On 31 Jan 2013, at 19:40, David Allen wrote:
> > Posts from Ian come up as a big block of letters in my browser. Is =
> this some kind of compressed file or is there a problem somewhere? I use =
> Opera on Ubuntu.
> Urgh! I had not seen that, they get delivered here OK...
> But looking on the forum view, I see them as big blocks of what looks =
> like Base64 or some such thing... Has this been happening for long?
> Did not used to happen...
> I'm posting those from Outlook at work and I have had some sensible =
> looking replies, so I guess that at least some folk must be seeing them =
> intact...
> Weird: I'll check tomorrow, see if my Outlook settings have been changed =
> or something...

For what it is worth... I just fired a few of my trashed messages through a 
hack decoder I knocked up; and it is Base64 encoding as I suspected.

Don't know why though.
Looking back through the forum, it looks like my posts were OK in December, but 
since I went back to work in January, all my posts look to be b64 and not 
readily readable.

So... I have to assume some setting has been "improved" by the clowns that run 
our IT services at work...
I'll need to see if I can revert this - though there may be some noise whilst I 
test - apologies in advance!

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