On 6 Mar 2013, at 16:36, Greg Ercolano wrote:

> On 03/06/13 08:09, Doug Parks wrote:
>> I am using a Slider Input widget, created from the example on Erco's FLTK 
>> Cheat page.  I am trying to duplicate the widget on multiple pages such that 
>> when I change it on one it is changed on the other page.  How would I go 
>> about doing this because the attempts I have made to do this have failed.
>> Thank you for the help.
>       Show an example of what you tried with comments about what your
>       goal is, add comments in the code as to things you're having trouble
>       with, and we can guide you in the right direction.

Also; is this "the same" widget, or (more likely) you have multiple sliders 
that are "slaved" together in some way?

Actually, I'm not quite sure what you mean by "pages" here - is this some sort 
of tabbed thing, with different "pages" that way, or... something else...?

If it is tabs, then I suppose (in principle) that it would be possible to 
remove the widget from one tab and show it on another, as the tabs change over, 
so that one widget could be used on every tab... Though having written it, I'm 
not sure I like that idea all that much now!

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