> I guess your idea of multiple sliders that are slaved together would be the 
> best example.  When I say pages I mean different windows.  What I have are 
> three different windows that are able to control the same volume level.  I am 
> trying to get the sliders to be able to affect on another so that if I change 
> the slider on the first window it is reflected on the other two windows and 
> if it changes on any window the impact is shown on the other two.  I hope I 
> didn't make that sound confusing.
> On 6 Mar 2013, at 16:36, Greg Ercolano wrote:
> > On 03/06/13 08:09, Doug Parks wrote:
> >> I am using a Slider Input widget, created from the example on Erco's =
> FLTK Cheat page.  I am trying to duplicate the widget on multiple pages =
> such that when I change it on one it is changed on the other page.  How =
> would I go about doing this because the attempts I have made to do this =
> have failed.
> >>=20
> >> Thank you for the help.
> >=20
> >     Show an example of what you tried with comments about what your
> >     goal is, add comments in the code as to things you're having =
> trouble
> >     with, and we can guide you in the right direction.
> Also; is this "the same" widget, or (more likely) you have multiple =
> sliders that are "slaved" together in some way?
> Actually, I'm not quite sure what you mean by "pages" here - is this =
> some sort of tabbed thing, with different "pages" that way, or... =
> something else...?
> If it is tabs, then I suppose (in principle) that it would be possible =
> to remove the widget from one tab and show it on another, as the tabs =
> change over, so that one widget could be used on every tab... Though =
> having written it, I'm not sure I like that idea all that much now!

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