Hi Troy
I'm away from the code right now but the answers your are looking for are
under the WithConventions method.

>From there you can set your baseobject to be BaseEntity rather than object
and set GetPrimaryKeyName to be Id.

Hope that helps if not i'll look it up when I'm back at a machine.


On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 4:35 PM, Troy Goode <troygo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Alright, I'm stumped. I have everything working fine with normal FNH,
> but once I tried to spike automapping I ran into an issue. In my
> project I have a base class for all of my entities like so:
> public abstract class BaseEntity
> {
>        public virtual int? Id { get; set; }
>        public virtual DateTime? DateCreated { get; set; }
>        public virtual DateTime? DateLastModified { get; set; }
>        public virtual DateTime? DateDeleted { get; set; }
> }
> So an example of one of my entities would be:
> public class Foo : BaseEntity
> {
>        public virtual string Name { get; set; }
> }
> Finally, my autopersit setup looks like so:
> var persistanceModel = AutoPersistenceModel
>    .MapEntitiesFromAssemblyOf<Foo>()
>    .Where( t=> t.Namespace == "MyNamespace" && t.Name !=
> "BaseEntity" )
>    .ForTypesThatDeriveFrom<BaseEntity>( t=>
>                                         {
>                                                t.Id( e => e.Id, "Id" );
>                                                t.Map( e=> e.DateCreated );
>                                                t.Map( e=>
> e.DateLastModified );
>                                                t.Map( e=> e.DateDeleted );
>                                         } );
> The problem I've encountered is that when NH goes to generate its
> query, it comes up with something like so:
>        this_.BaseEntityId as Id0_0_,
>        this_1_.DateLastModified as DateLast2_0_0_,
>        this_1_.DateDeleted as DateDele3_0_0_,
>        this_1_.DateCreated as DateCrea4_0_0_,
>        this_.Name as Name0_0_
>        Foo this_
>        inner join [BaseEntity] this_1_
>                on this_.BaseEntityId=this_1_.Id
> This will not work as my table structure is simply:
> Foo
>  - Id
>  - Name
>  - DateCreated
>  - DateLastModified
>  - DateDeleted
> Like I said, I have everything working with ClassMap, it is only when
> I try to use AutoPersistence that the issue arises... so two
> questions:
> 1) How do I configure things so that BaseEntity is not assumed to be
> another table?
> 2) How do I configure things so that the Id property maps to the "Id"
> column, rather than (the non-existent) "BaseEntityId" column?
> Thanks!
> >

I-nnovate Software - Bespoke Software Development, uk wirral.

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