Now i solved all the ./configure dependencies. But the make command
tells me libglib and libgthread can't be found in /usr/bin. But they
are on this location.

2011/1/28, David Henningsson <>:
> On 2011-01-27 23:04, Carma Trepp wrote:
>> Thank you for your support. I`m fighting right now compiling FS with
>> all the dependencies. Solved many. Now I have to find pkg-config.
>> 2011/1/27 David Henningsson<>:
>>> On 2011-01-27 00:02, Carma Trepp wrote:
>>>> Hi Element
>>>> Thank you for your answer. I checked the device specifications from
>>>> the ARM Cortex A8. And it have two Floating Point Units, a
>>>> non-pipelined VFP-lite conforming to the IEEE754 standard for floating
>>>> point arithmetic and a pipelined SIMD NEON coprocessor. Source:
>>>> Its interesting that fluidsynth use CPU at 34% when nothing plays. The
>>>> CPU itself is powerful. It runs PSX and N64 Emulation at fullspeed.
>>> Interesting. I think the 34% might be due to the reverb and/or chorus
>>> engines still running although nothing plays. Assuming you're running
>>> Linux
>>> on this device, can you provide perf output?
>>> As for 1.0.8, that's pretty ancient, please try upgrading to 1.1.2. Also,
>>> if
> That should have been 1.1.3, which is the latest version.
> Btw, on x86, what takes the most time is the interpolation, so you could
> try changing the interpolation method - this is a trade-off between CPU
> and sound quality though.
> Also increasing the buffer sizes can help in some cases. Unless you need
> low latency, I recommend a buffer size of e g 4096 or 8192 instead of
> the default of 64.
> Some people have also suggested lowering the sample rate.
> // David
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