Hi all,
I'm interested in playing midi files/event from a web application in the chrome desktop application.
As anyone considered compiling fluidsynth as a native Chrome extension?
Does NaCl SDK ( https://developers.google.com/native-client/sdk/) contain everything needed to compile fluidsynth and route back the audio to the browser https://developers.google.com/native-client/devguide/coding/audio)? Could it be distributed as a Chrome extension with a nice sound font (FluidR3_GM.sf2), and with a proper polyfill in javascript to provide a stub for the Web MIDI API as it is done for the Jazzsoft plugin ( http://cwilso.github.io/WebMIDIAPIShim/ - which unfortunately does not exist on Linux and sounds like using an older plugin technology) Even if the sound font is big, it would be only downloaded once in the extension and then all the web apps could take benefit of playing midi events in a consistent way (on Mac, win and linux) from Chrome/Chromium As a mobile developer, I'm not an expert in the fluidsynth architecture, but have good webaudio and software optimization knowledge. Is there any work in progress on that in which I could participate?
Or even, is it just worth investigating?
Thanks in advance
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