It is worth remembering that legacy MIDI hardware is stateless. MIDI
messages are simply processed as they are received. If a sostenuto message
is received before a note on, then the sostenuto won't affect the note. It
makes no difference if the sostenuto comes a millisecond or a minute before
the note to legacy MIDI hardware.

Jim Henry

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
R.L. Horn
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 11:09 PM
To: FluidSynth mailing list
Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] New ticket for Sostenuto patch

On Mon, 9 Mar 2015, CERESA Jean-Jacques ENAC/ENAC wrote:

> A new ticket has been created: #136 [PATCH]: Adding Sostenuto code


One observation:  The action is really, really, really fast (i.e. 
instantaneous).  It sometimes (fairly often, in the case of sequencer- and 
notation software) happens that the note-on and sostenuto events are 
nominally simultaneous and not necessarily in the correct order.  The 
attached (fairly mechanical) MIDI file, generated by lilypond, 
demonstrates this.

Now, I don't have a problem with things as they stand -- if I want a 
sloppier pedal I can simply defer the sostenuto events a few hundredths of 
a second -- but I wonder if that fast an action is typical.

fluid-dev mailing list

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