Hi Gregor and Dana,

I was reading over the Branches 
 doc for Storytelling this morning and also reflecting on the testing work that 
was needed following the 0.3.0 release last week. If I’m understanding things 
correctly, only the AIHEC <https://aihec.inclusivedesign.ca/> (currently in 
production use) and staging <https://staging-stories.floeproject.org/> sites 
allow for authoring stories. During the “Storytelling Tool long-term technical 
road map discussion 
 we spoke about the possibility of integrating with a SSG like 11ty 
<https://www.11ty.dev/>. I don’t think I fully grasped, and may still not, the 
distinction between the authoring of stories and viewing stories on the site. 
At the moment it appears that these are coupled together into a single system 
which can be set to enable story authoring/editing. In the case where editing 
is disabled there is still a server and database backing the browsing/viewing 
of stories.

If our end goal is to decouple the authoring/editing from the story 
viewing/browsing, we should revisit this along with the login and 
authentication. It will probably depend on how things are actually implemented 
so I’ll just illustrate one possible scenario below. We should consider how we 
actually want this to work, what the benefits and tradeoffs are, and etc.

Possibile scenario:

The deployed story site is always a static site. When a story is 
authored/edited, the server triggers the site to redeploy at which point the 
static site is regenerated with the content stored in the database. When story 
authoring/editing is enabled, an instance of the storytelling tool is deployed 
alongside it. The storytelling tool being just an authoring interface which 
stores stories to the database. When login/authentication is provided, it will 
also provide a view into the users' stories for editing/deleting. When story 
authoring/editing is disabled we only deploy the static site; the storytelling 
tool does not need to be deployed. Additionally the backend database can be 
archived and disabled if the stories are intended for view only and are 
effectively archived.

Points of configuration between the systems would include configuration for the 
SSG to enable/disable the link to the storytelling tool, linking from the 
storytelling tool to the published story on the static site, and styling for 
preview in the storytelling tool to match the output in the static site. 

Please let me know what you think and if I’m misunderstanding anything.


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