Hi Gregor and Dana,

Sorry, I had meant to CC you on the e-mail below.


> On Aug 5, 2020, at 7:58 AM, Justin Obara <obara.jus...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Gregor and Dana,
> I was reading over the Branches 
> <https://github.com/fluid-project/sjrk-story-telling/blob/master/docs/BRANCHES.md>
>  doc for Storytelling this morning and also reflecting on the testing work 
> that was needed following the 0.3.0 release last week. If I’m understanding 
> things correctly, only the AIHEC <https://aihec.inclusivedesign.ca/> 
> (currently in production use) and staging 
> <https://staging-stories.floeproject.org/> sites allow for authoring stories. 
> During the “Storytelling Tool long-term technical road map discussion 
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y7nXxUeCt9qcLQbjYoblzsrKLKpeLA2H6kFyu-EsIl4/edit#heading=h.wn80pjfkqwr2>”
>  we spoke about the possibility of integrating with a SSG like 11ty 
> <https://www.11ty.dev/>. I don’t think I fully grasped, and may still not, 
> the distinction between the authoring of stories and viewing stories on the 
> site. At the moment it appears that these are coupled together into a single 
> system which can be set to enable story authoring/editing. In the case where 
> editing is disabled there is still a server and database backing the 
> browsing/viewing of stories.
> If our end goal is to decouple the authoring/editing from the story 
> viewing/browsing, we should revisit this along with the login and 
> authentication. It will probably depend on how things are actually 
> implemented so I’ll just illustrate one possible scenario below. We should 
> consider how we actually want this to work, what the benefits and tradeoffs 
> are, and etc.
> Possibile scenario:
> The deployed story site is always a static site. When a story is 
> authored/edited, the server triggers the site to redeploy at which point the 
> static site is regenerated with the content stored in the database. When 
> story authoring/editing is enabled, an instance of the storytelling tool is 
> deployed alongside it. The storytelling tool being just an authoring 
> interface which stores stories to the database. When login/authentication is 
> provided, it will also provide a view into the users' stories for 
> editing/deleting. When story authoring/editing is disabled we only deploy the 
> static site; the storytelling tool does not need to be deployed. Additionally 
> the backend database can be archived and disabled if the stories are intended 
> for view only and are effectively archived.
> Points of configuration between the systems would include configuration for 
> the SSG to enable/disable the link to the storytelling tool, linking from the 
> storytelling tool to the published story on the static site, and styling for 
> preview in the storytelling tool to match the output in the static site. 
> Please let me know what you think and if I’m misunderstanding anything.
> Thanks
> Justin

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