At 20:07 00-02-08 -0500, you wrote:
>On the topic of the whole MP3 project:
>Wasn't there something involving DJ Spooky and Thurston Moore 
>that came about in this sort of nature? I remember hearing that 
>Thurston sent out a lot of random files (wav? mp3?) of him playing 
>guitar and stuff to different people. Does anyone know anything 
>more about this project? Did it ever actually get released? If so, 
>what does it sound like, and where could one obtain it?

i'm told that in the last issue of Alternative Press, TM said he was
shopping for a label for an album he had recorded with DJ Spooky and Yoko Ono.

BUT :  early last week, Yoko was asked if she had plans for a new record
and she said she was going in the studio next summer...

It does not mean she has not done anything with TM, but she might be
keeping her mouth shut so as not to jynx the project.


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