To all,

An idea for a collaborative effort:

I've always liked the stamps Robert Watts created (have made them
myself from time to time and they have on occasion bought
correspondence a trip through the postal service without further
postage).  to wit:

Whoever wishes to participate would create an art stamp - be it
photography, graphics, whatever, and can email it to me in the
form of a .jpg image insert, in a smallish size at 100
resolution.  Doesn't have to be the size of a stamp - I can take
care of resizing.  You can overlay it with numbers if you wish
(kinda like the postage amount, hmmmm, just don't put an actual
currency sign on it).

This project is still in the formative stage in my enormously
fertile brain :o), but I am thinking of letters on the stamps
referring to Fluxus; i.e. "FLUXUS IS ALIVE" so that when you
paste them on stuff and send them off (with the actual proper
postage, of course) it sends a message around the world.

Once I have all the imagery, I can put it into sheets of stamps
in Photoshop.  I can then email the sheets to those of you with
good printers, or snailmail them to those who don't (I have a
pretty high res photographic quality printer), if you send me a
sase (but of course, that's a way down the road).  Constructing
the sheets in this manner would mean you would have to cut and
glue them, which actually looks fine.  They could, however, be
professionally  printed with perforations - haven't investigated
this much, but it might be pricey.

Oh, and then Sol (Hi Sol!! *grin*) can put the sheets in the
izone gallery, and who knows, perhaps we can sell them in
galleries and online and all be rich!!! hahahahaha.

Anyway, I'll appreciate any ideas/input.

Best Regards,

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