before i get to work and produce a mountain of stamp designs which are of no
use, can you splain to me the size thing.
what size and shape image do i have to get to you? i understand the 100dpi
res for a scan, but what about if i alter existing jpegs or whatever, which
are at a different resolution? i often work in ms publisher (images and
text) then take a screen shot an alter in again......
should i perhaps just draw a picture actual size, scan it at 100 - should be
near enough - them e-mail it?
yes this sound like a good idea, perhaps i should do that.
now i'm typing to myself!!
Sol ! you can see the mountains from the balcony this morning - sorry!
FRUITSCORES ILLUSTRATED VERSION alan bowman2000 available soon
(well as soon as i can work out if i can afford to print any)
any ideas on cheap repro?
FRUITSCORES NON ILLUSTRATED VERSION alanbowman 1998 available now
by email so you can arrange to make your own booklet and illustrate it if
you want
alanbowman quarterpastseventhursdayafter