> Please do burn your minidisks recording !!

I'm working on something currently.  I recently asked the list for
addresses of people with MiniDisc players.  So far, eight people have
responded - and from radically different parts of the planet at that!
That was the most interesting thing about the replies I received.

I don't quite know if the term "burn" applies to MiniDiscs the way
it does to CD-Rs.  That's why these new CD-recorders make me cringe
when I see them in the stores.  I can easily imagine so many people
getting excited about the prospects of being able to burn their own
CDs because of the format itself being so inaccessible in such a way
to them before, however, by choosing a CD-recorder over a MiniDisc
recorder, you limit your editing capabilities to "delete last track"
and "delete all".  Once a CD is "burned" it cannot be erased and
re-burned.  Recording to MiniDisc is identical and identically easy
as recording to cassette - with the extra option of recording via
optical cable added.  What you record on MiniDisc can be chopped into
little tiny segments if you wish and then rearranged however you
want right on the disc.  You can delete tracks and record new stuff
in the reclaimed space.  You can combine tracks together even after
they've been shuffled, etc.  MiniDisc's ease of use is unparalleled.
The only thing that will supersede it, IMHO, is a completely solid-state
medium (memory-sticks?).


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