At 05:30 PM 05/10/2000 +0100, you wrote:
>Sol writes -
>Your idea reminds me of a pataphysics club that existed in England in the
>fifties (I've only heard bits and pieces about this by word of mouth from
>someone who was good friends with a member but...) who existed soley to
>administrate themselves. Members wore a little badge to identify themselves.
>I write-
>In the UK they have a club called The Winkle Club. A winkle is an edible
>sea-creature, like a very small snail. Anyone can join the club - the only
>rule is that you have to have a winkle upon your person the whole time. If
>you are challenged by a fellow Winkle member and you do not have a winkle in
>your possession you have to pay a pound to the Winkle Charity.
Do you walk awound wid your winkle, then?  To avoid fines?  Does the winkle
have to be alive?  We'd like to see an i-zone of you walking wid your
winkle, Woger.
Where does the money in the Winkle Charity go?


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