>Do you walk awound wid your winkle, then?  To avoid fines?  Does the winkle
>have to be alive?  We'd like to see an i-zone of you walking wid your
>winkle, Woger.
>Where does the money in the Winkle Charity go?

Well, you see, I'm not actually IN the Winkle Club
I was drawing a rather interesting parallel, as the geometrist said who'd
lost his ruler, with esoteric societies

such as the minidisk society

But for winkle fans
and winkler fans

Walk around the supermarket with your winkle in your pocket
do not tell anyone about this
nor show anyone your winkle

Do this every day
until you are challenged to show it


happy days
it's one in the morning here
must away to bed to dream of winkles
I think not

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