Hi All,

Some final notes on the stamp kits, which were mailed yesterday,
and which most should be getting within a week:

I editioned the stamp sets, so they are numbered in an edition of
36 at the bottom of the page.  They are yours to use as you
wish.  Some of you might want to just use them on mail art, some
might want to keep them intact and frame them - John Held, Jr.
has a beautiful collection of framed stamp sheets.

Their are two sets of two stamp sheets.  The first two are dry
gummed - like stamps "used to be" if you wet the backs, they
stick.  These sheets have a title on the upper right.  The other
two sheets are not gummed, but they are printed on white
ultramatte paper and thus have better resolution than the gummed
sheets.  These sheets have a title on the upper left.

If you do want to keep the stamp folder intact, the second
sheets, with the better resolution, would be ideal for color
copies....one can just get copies made, then cut around the
individual stamps and past them on mail art , with a good
application of glue stick on the back.  Or, if you decide to use
the second set as stamps, again, the application of glue stick on
the back, or whatever adhesive you prefer.

The folder is organized with other ephemera in translucent
plastic corners.  Feel free to rearrange as you wish and remove
any of the plastic corners, or not.  I also affixed plastic
corners to the sheets at the top to keep them from sliding around
and bending in transit.

The night before I mailed everything out, I decided to make a
stamp with my "mug" on it, and I used a frame of a rubber stamp,
"Post Flux" that John had given me.  As I enthusiastically
decorated outgoing envelopes with art stamps, etc., I noticed the
bottom of the "Post Flux" stamp frame I had used bore the
numbers, 7 and 11.  And yesterday, the day I mailed them, was
7/11.  So, I guess we can call it a commemorative envelope.  Dam,
I should have mailed them at 7:11 but, I confess I mailed them at
6:30....wasn't thinking.

All the envelopes are garishly tarted up except for Italy and
Venezuela (due to possible hostile postal workers).  Input from
you on how the stamps are canceled when they arrive would be
appreciated.  Did they cancel just the "real" stamps, or the art
stamps as well?  Also, I'm interested to know if they were
postmarked 7/11/00.

Oh, and if I made any mistakes, don't let me know.  Just fix it
on your end.  : )


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