
        myself i have found is often very good and useful       
        and direct as
        one so well says here--

        to go with "lower artistic impulses" 
         i.e. what myself and alex
        cook are interested in and have thought to think of as "wreckcreation"

        that is just blow it up and work from fragments scattered abt

        one finds this way so many new avenues opening up (down sideways
        and every which way)

        keeps one happily working
        and as well one has the pleasure of having done the blowing up!


        --dave baptiste

On Thu, 31 Aug 2000, Josh Ronsen wrote:

> Reed Altemus wrote:
> >Please elaborate on what you mean by a "higher artistic impulse". You mean like an 
>aesthetic innovation or just doing what is called "right work".
> I don't know if I can describe exactly what I am talking about. Everytime I try to 
>define it, I come up with a contradictory explanation, or something that isn't what I 
>mean. I keep running into "Whatever is communicated can only be falsehood and 
>falsification; hence it is only falsehoods and falsifications that are communicated" 
>(from Thomas Bernhard's autobiography which I am reading right now).
> To try and put as directly and simply as possible, and in a personal manner, so I 
>know exactly what I am talking about: sometimes when I am creating something, I am 
>Creative and what I do seems Special to me (and sometimes to other people as well), 
>while other times, it is obvious that I am "going through the motions"; uninspired 
>and what I do is not special, and I want to erase it or hide it.
> >I agree that self-control is desireable but too one must express the real thing 
>with the first white hot impulse and without second guessing yourself.
> This is true, but at some point I am always going to ask myself, "is this worth 
>using up any of the world's natural resources to reproduce/distribute/etc?" or "is 
>this worth having anyone else pay attention to it?"
> And sometimes those white-hot impulses lead to dead-ends!
> -Josh Ronsen
> --== Sent via ==--
> Before you buy.

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