I heartily second Reed's use and attention with copy art--(i call
        it xollage as i do xeroxed collage as main part of my xeroxed

        of course there is always the play (LUDENS) aspect of "the work"

        that is

        from vocation to vacation
        avocation to a vacation

        O Ay O Ay

        O Way A Way O Way!

        -davacation boptiste  

        Be bop a lula!

        (Gene Vincent's immortal words/song)

On Fri, 1 Sep 2000, Reed Altemus wrote:

> Actually, I have nothing against artists and the art world
> per se my activity just falls along a different line- the sort of
> post-punk DIY "say you're an artist and you are" school
> validated by Joseph Beuys' ideas and much Fluxus as
> formulated by Maciunas. My chosen field of work
> xerigraphy (or copy art) is very contentious
> as a medium too and my activity also includes mail art
> and mail poetry which are traditionally considered
> marginal forms. Sometimes I get a bit dissatisfied
> living on the fringes and I go to trendy vernissages
> or museums and they bore me... anyways I really
> have nothing against art or artists I just came to my
> role a maker differently. Also for me it is an avocation
> not a vocation.
> Just wanted to  clear that up.
> RA

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