Sorry, I was having a bad day. Or maybe I was jealous?
Who can say?

Kissing is fun but I am from New England and have one
of those demeanors, sometimes being warm is hard when
the weather is always so damn cold- duly noted though-
the same remark has been made in the past of me.

I actually prefer a woman who excels at spooning- goes
with the geographic location.


Melissa McCarthy wrote:

> Word Play for Reed Altemus
> Grumply flux.
> Fluxly grump.
> Kissy-face pooh-pooh!
> Grumpy fluxy
> Fluxy grumpy.
> Pooh-pooh kissy-face!
> Flumpy gruxus.
> Lumpy gravy makes me grumpy,
> Gives me flux.
> Serious?
> Delerious!
> Be of good cheerious!
> Have no fearious!
> Kiss-kiss, both cheeks,
> (left and right, not top and bottom, you!)
> European style.
> Melissa
>                       Melissa McCarthy
>               Hours: whimsical or by appointment
>           ****>>>Adult, maybe; grown-up, never!<<<****
>                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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