i traded in my soul 
         for heap of used parts
        spray paint cannisters
        acetylene torch scissors & glue
        and now going to make another

On Fri, 27 Oct 2000, Markku Nivalainen wrote:

> Have you seen my soul? I lost it quite a while ago.
> The last sighting was in Austin, Texas about a month ago.
> It's dark and probably possessed.
> There's a small reward!
> Markku Nivalainen
> Inkoonkatu 9a10
> 00510 Helsinki
> Finland
> > i too am quite interested
> > 
> > and am intentionally responding non-privately
> > so that others might send me...............anything
> > (send and ye shall recieve)
> > 
> > skot spear
> > 537 river rd.
> > windham me. 04062
> > united states

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