COLLAGE POETRY 74)  10/19/00 7:26 PM

Some genuinely want to be isolated from the world,
60 years of continuous bombing and military practices have gone by
Why in the world should you be subjected to this?
Enough is Enough!

Today a small boy observed me through the window
helped remove some of the fog that habitually descends on my mind
We need to create, or discover (more likely both)
a powerful and deeply spiritual and inspirational performance.

Whatever effort you make at transparency goes a long way
you can fool yourself, until someone else calls you a fool.
Follow the simple instructions, and above all, PLEASE PLAY FAIR.
On a blank sheet of paper write “Please”

1. Let's say you...
2. Let's say you...
3. Let's say you...
Can you follow simple step-by-step instructions?

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