> Listed to the interesting 1 minute. Now, correct me if I am wrong, but I
> don't hear the previous two works in there anywhere. I understood that

I did still hear them. With some modifications.

> each were supposed to add to the original but not subtract anything or
> extend beyond the one minute file.
> Maybe it is your intention that your one minute is to be overlaid onto
> the other work at the end? Kind of like you made a track?

I am playing with cecilia in the moment, not with cool edit pro or some
other multitrack program.

This is an experiment, other experiments may follow.

Dont be shy. All I did was some filtering. There is plenty of empty space,
silence, in the middle to sing or whatever. Or add something at the
beginning. Like Brad did. I doesnt matter if it fits into the stereo
sound. Make it sound more interesting. 

Well, best


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