actually it was just me and one of my friends.
he kind of put me up to it. if you're trying
to get me to rat out someone else i'm not going to
do it. the "faction" thing was a joke. my theory
was that me and my friend weren't the only ones
that thought bennett was posting too much poetry.

so there


At 11:43 PM -0700 5/26/01, FLUXLIST-digest wrote:
>Date: Sat, 26 May 2001 12:13:44 -0600
>From: Deborah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: rererere sol
>At 01:58 PM 5/26/01 -0500, jason pierce wrote:
>>fine with me, i was just trying to help out some friends
>>that were irritated with Bennets poetry bombardment.
>YES! You've said it again.
>The last bastion of those with no cause. A league of supporters whom no one
>Email lists at their most stereotypical best. So much for creativity!!

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