this morning i have been reading my off list posts with patricia (as she
 always signed herself to me),  and they are filled with such true
friendship and love.  for she was one of the most loving people i have
met  on the net and it came through to all of us.  on my wall is the
beautiful print of a tulip she sent, also many photos of the cats and
wonderful mailart she covered with stars and kisses.  when my dear
michael died last december she was there for me in a very special way
and in june when my dog kikusan died we exchanged many posts and phone
calls. again she was a great comfort and i loved her slogan: ART SAVES
LIVES.  her brave posts about her illness were always positive and
hopeful.  the cancer was unable to kill her joy and love and i treasure 
my good forturne to have her friendship.  she is not gone and we will
always love her.  
it was princess petal that gave us permission to send hugs and kisses
after our posts.
so here's to petal XXXOOO

carol starr
taos, new mexico, usa

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