Hi all,

Despite some of the negative views of fishfingers I have to say I like 'em.

meryl wrote:
>Captain Spalding was the character played by Groucho Marx in the (really
swell) film Animal Crackers.

Aw c'mon, you guys know this doncha? You couldn't possibly all live under
rocks. (Could you?  It sure would be crowded....)<

Whilst I'm being honest I suppose I should also admit that I don't like the
marx brothers (meryl, you probably think that's heresy but suffice to say
the space under my rock rocks ;).

On the matter of Captain Fluxlist.....I love the name........I would in fact
enjoy the comic, should it exist......maybe someone could detourne some old
marvel or DC stuff in this manner........nice situationist activity for a
rainy day..........maybe I'll do it if I find time.

Carol, any website building help you need re: the address book, just
ask...no problem at all :)

Josh wrote:
>What, pray tell, is Anarcho-dandyist Art? Is a special hat needed? Or is
this a term that makes sense in England, but not in America?<
No this term doesn't make sense in England but then again the review is from
a Scottish newspaper. So it may be a term in use in Scotland but I doubt
it...I think its invented for the article...it's a good word though and
bereft of any meaning at all I'd imagine since anarchism and the
socio-political ideas of the dandy are mutually exclusive. However I'm
reminded of that line in the classic Adam and the Ants song "Stand and

we're the dandy highwaymen so tired of excuses
of deep meaning philosophies where only showbiz loses
we're the dandy highwaymen and here's our invitation (oh oh)
"throw your safety overboard and join our insect nation"

(full lyrics at http://home.wish.net/~antlady/lyrics/Stand&Deliver.html

mp3 snippet  at http://www.4micula.de/english/index02.htm )

I guess a dandy highwayman would be an Anarcho-dandyist?

anyway, enough foolery ;)



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