Mony Python had some wonderful moments.  I once played Lucky in Waiting for 
Godot - THAT was a wonderful moment, too...

At 12:52 PM 3/12/02 -0800, you wrote:

>They remind me alot of the Monty Python Sketch where the Pilots return to
>base and they are spurting all kinds of banter except no one can understand
>them.. "Sorry Chap can't understand a word of your banter.." Ever scene that
>Bally Jerry right in the How's your Father
>Cabbage Crates over the Briny

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-8114

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