>Hey on another matter I am writing an essay on fluxus as a part of a 
>"prehistory of the internet" and I was wondering if any of you had any 
>thought as to how or in what ways fluxus work, activities or ideas are 
>related to (or presage) our current
>internet age? Not did they do any work on or for the internet but as a 
>pretechnological approach -  for example I am proposing that fluxus as it 
>challenges and undermines traditional skill based notions of art is 
>parallel to the opensource movement
>of today, or that as it is global or international it operated as a 
>network of conceptual connected but geographically dispersed participants.
well, I have some suggestions about that, partly included into the article 
I had submitted for Perfomance Research, but I haven't developped them 
further yet, than those quick intuitions you've already read. However, I 
think it's a seminal angle and I look forward reading your essay (BTW, is 
it to be written for a certain symposium we know?)
"Bon courage"


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