Title: Re: FLUXLIST: plastic words
Thus far there has not been much of a demand for Combozol outside Tasmania ... However IF enough people on this list were to register an interest in receiving a sample in exchange for a  sample of their generically local plastic product ... well then I reckon the manufacturer could be persuaded to produce a sample run exclusively for subscribers to FLUXLIST  ....  Just reply to this eMail under the subject heading COMBOZOL and I'll forward them to the manufacturers in an attempt to encourage them to go global with this stuff .... OR at least send those interested a sample .. maybe they could even market it via eBay or something ... what do subscribers think, might this be a MAILart project? ...  ANYWAY JUST SEND YOUR COMBOZOL EMAILS NOW  and FLUXUStasmania will investigate what can be done

Convenor: Ray Norman

on 4/3/04 1:47 AM, Allan Revich at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sounds like something that packs a great buzz! Can you buy it on the internet?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ray Norman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 10:33 PM
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: plastic words

>>>> AND Combozol is nothing to do with CHEESE .... it's a kind of fake wood that looks like metal, a bit goldish in colour and very useful in  the manufacture of prosthetic sex aids.

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