Dear Owen, sorry for having been so long to answer your quest, but things
are crazy here, as usual...

About Fluxus in school.
I guess the whole teaching is to be considered as a Fluxus situation, or at
least as "performing art"(Filliou).
After ten years of art teaching (and history of art teaching too) I'm now
teaching art (and more precisely, how to teach art with children) to future
teachers, people that just passed the exam to be teachers
mainly in primary schools (we call them IUFM: University Institution for
Teachers' Formation).
Most of them have originally no concerns with visual arts, and I shall
sensibilize them in 18 hours (6 times 3 hours), to get them able to teach
art, at least 1 hour a week to children (18 hours, for a forty-two years
long career...), anyway, this is not exactly my concern today.
What I try to explain them is that their subjects shall allow each pupil to
give his own interpretation, and that if everyone is doing the same, then
the device they have established is not a creative one. As art teacher, my
aim is to build a situation such as everyone can act his own interpretation
of the given topic through a common system of different constraints: around
few questions and notions (contrast, shape, colours etc.), stimulate not an
answer but an interrogation of the proposed device, so that each pupil can
take it within his own practice, and give an individual realization fully
This is quite a difference with a very close situation which is the
performance/happening situation, where the viewer is turned into an actor of
the artistic situation. In fact, in the happening situation, the place of
the work of art is still the artist: for example a Kaprow happening is
always a kaprow's happening. But as a creative device build through a system
of constraints (i.e. the instructions given to the viewer/actor), it is very
close to an art teaching situation.
The only thing is that in a pedagogical relationship, the acknowledged
creativity is the pupils'one (which is why artists can be so bad teachers
sometimes, they can't accept to deprise themselves from being the creative
pole), even though this creativity arise inside a system built by the
This, to me, is the situation created by Fluxus at its bests moments:
they're the only artists that truly tried to displace the creativity center
from the artist to the public/ the interpret/ the listener etc. (as wrote
someday G. Brecht "what whe need now, is virtuoso listener). In her
powerfull article, Ina Blom perfectly described how the event reach its
completion in its performing moment, and how this performing moment is
enlightened from inside by the written version of each event (cf Ina Blom,
in Fluxus Virus, Schuppenhauer 1992)

I'm sure I don't give you anything you hadn't thought of long before, but
maybe it can still help.


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