Dear All

Thanks for you responses and 'portraits' of Secret Fluxus, the
Freeformfreakout Organisation has just returned from its annual summer
jollies, and is therefore in a state of total chaos - we've just added David
Baptiste-Chirot, Gruppo Ginestetico (who appear to be secret fluxus!) and an
extra pic from Michael Leigh, (no, really we have this time!) along with
entries from Peter Frank, Walter Cianciusi and a response from Geoff
Please keep your portraits coming, please include any info and links you
wish to include etc etc.....

The FFFO hopes to add more of its own work to this site soon, we are
awaiting the arrival of the vice-director and his entourage tomorrow, (if
Venice isn't sinking, it may well soon) so updates over the next week may
get a little strange,
Bowman+Bowman=Y(ah).00 x 0h(Dâ/\r)
Or they may just not happen at all, I suppose it depend on wheter the police
station has internet access or not.

Yours post-holiday bluesily

Anna Wombal
Secretary to Bowman1 FFFO etc etc Division

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