On 04/04/2006, at 22:18, Cecil Touchon wrote:

whatever happened to the wiki?

Well, I recall it was a swiki: http://www.swiki.net I think the URL was something like http://fluxlist.swiki.net

But the last time I tried to locate it, I found something else - I suppose the Swiki service simply ended. Or something. Mind, it wasn't very active.

Kamen Nedev wrote:

On 04/04/2006, at 4:48, Allan Revich wrote:

I just set up a communal blog at Blogger.com for all of us on the Fluxlist.

What a great idea. Some years ago Alan set up a Fluxlist wiki, which was way cool (I'm still keener on the "wiki" concept rather than the "blog" concept, but hey...)

Many of you will have received invitations to join and if you didn’t receive an invitation it is only because I couldn’t locate your e-mail address tonight. E-mail me or post something to the list and I will make sure you get an invitation. Once you are a member of the blog, it’s like being a member of the list – you can post whenever and whatever you want.


OK, count me in.

The idea is that we will all continue to communicate with each other and share ideas and projects as we always have – through this wonderful list, but if you want to share a picture or similar file with the list (and with the world) you will be able to post it to our communal blog.



The blog address is at http://fluxlist.blogspot.com

There ain’t much there yet but as fluxlisters start contributing that should quickly change.




Kamen Nedev
c/Pelayo Nº38, 5º Izda.
28004 Madrid

(+34) 649 77 80 37

Kamen Nedev
c/Pelayo Nº38, 5º Izda.
28004 Madrid

(+34) 649 77 80 37

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