
Well, what I really had in mind were the social characteristics of the medium, not the kind of media it could carry - but yes, aside from a few lists, bbased almost exclusively on text creation (like WRTYING-L, or _arc-hive_), most creative work proper seems to happen elsewhere. As a matter of fact, more and more people (even those concerned with codework) are using multimedia, which makes it difficult to use those lists (the usual way is to link to a URL, but that can be a bit bothersome).

On the other hand, I liked that Fluxis Qiki thing (is it active?). I myself have started using OpenMute's tools ( for my own uses ( It is cool, and carries the XOOPS CMS, which can be very handy indeed for collaborative work. Not much in the line of server space for uploads, though.

So, yeah, long live the Fluxlist blog!



On 08/04/2006, at 21:39, Rod Stasick wrote:


I agree with Kamen. One of the slightly frustrating things about this list has always been the lack of ability to post anything media based on it -
even simple HTML - which, some of you oldtimers remember was a big
bug up a few people's noses in the early days...and this is a list based on an art movement with contributions made know...ARTISTS! (mostly). I had always thought it better to have the Fluxlist on some kind of community board that you could put together using the proper software - i.e. http:// which is responsible for boards like the Organissimo Jazz Forum ( or the forum on the band "The Fall" ( as well as many others.

BUT, I think that this is nice step outdoors - we talk HERE and create THERE.


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Kamen Nedev
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